People apply passwords to their RAR file to secure them from unwanted access. Sometimes, when you are sending your RAR file outside your organization you try to secure it with a password and just share your password with the legal authority. Also, when you store all your sensitive files in a single RAR folder, you definitely will apply a password to it so that no one can edit or view them. But, there are cases, when you forget your own RAR password and you try to access your file but you can't because you don't remember the password you did set to it. In this case, you wonder how to decrypt RAR password.

RAR password once applied cannot be removed very easily. If you remember the password you did set to your RAR file then it is no issue for you to remove the password, but if you have forgotten the password for your RAR file, you are being stuck in a very big problem. As, RAR doesn't provide any sort of forgotten password functionality and so, the user has to decrypt the password himself/herself. To decrypt your RAR file password, you need to follow these points.

Approach 1:. Decrypt RAR File with RAR Password Unlocker

If you cannot decrypt your password with the offline methods, you can simply try online software. For that purpose, there is an amazing RAR decrypter known as PassFab for RAR. This powerful software can be used to decrypt any sort of RAR file passwords within minutes. The software provides 100% recovery guarantee and is not free of cost. The software is really fast and uses three basic types of password removal attacks, Brute force attack, the Brute force with Mask and Dictionary attack. The software has a very friendly interface which means it is very easy to use and doesn't require any professional skills to use. To use this amazing online password recovery software, you just need to follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Download and run the software on your computer.

Step 2: Import the password protected RAR file in the software.

decrypt rar password using passfab for rar

Step 3: Select the type of attack you want to remove protection through.

choose dictionary attack to decrypt rar password

Step 4: Press "Start" and let the software do the rest of the work.

Step 5: The software will take some time, depending upon the length and complexity of your password that you did set to your RAR file.

Step 6: After some time, your RAR file password will be decrypted and you will be able to access it once again.

rar password decrypted successfully with passfab for rar

Approach 2. Decrypt RAR File with Notepad

If you cannot decrypt WinRAR password by guessing the most possible password, you can use this amazing method. You must be wondering that how to decrypt RAR file for free? This method uses simple Notepad to decrypt your a RAR file without password that is totally free. To decrypt your RAR file password, you just need to follow these simple steps.

Step 1:Go find your RAR file in the computer, for whom you want to decrypt the password.

Step 2: Right click on the file and open it with Notepad.

Step 3: In notepad, the file will be written in the form of special characters.

Step 4: In the second line, you can find the keyword "Ûtà" and "'IžC0".

Step 5: Replace both these keywords with "5³tà'" and "IžC0" respectively.

Step 6: Now, save the Notepad file and open the file again with RAR.

Step 7: The RAR software will not ask you for password this time.

decrypt rar password with notepad

Approach 3: Decrypt with Frequently-Used Password

To decrypt password RAR file, you can try this approach. Try to remember the password you often set to your social accounts, your computer's password or any general passwords you set. Enter the passwords you can remember and try your best to open your RAR file. To decrypt password through this approach, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1: Open the RAR file you want to decrypt password for.

Step 2: If the recovery is set to be on edit, view and extract, then, you will be shown a prompt.

Step 3: The prompt will be asking for the password.

Step 4: If you don't remember the password, enter the most likely password you think there can be.

Step 5: Repeat the step 4 for several attempts.

Step 6: If you open your file by applying step 4, its best for you, but if you still cannot, then, this method is not for you maybe.


RAR is the most common software used worldwide to compress the files in one place. People send their RAR files across the companies and to each other. But, they don't want every other person to view or edit their RAR files. For that, people tend to put passwords on their RAR files. But what if they forget the password? How to recover RAR password? In the above article, we have discussed why people want to decrypt their RAR file password and how do they do it. We have also seen some offline and online approaches for password removal. We have discussed the amazing online tool, PassFab for RAR that can remove almost any sort of password protection from a RAR file. If you can find any other interesting information relating to this article, please feel free to let us know and we will surely look into it. Thank you.