So, in Microsoft Windows, startup sounds are the most iconic way to show what version we are using. In 2025, Microsoft released its latest version, Windows 11. And it comes with lots of new changes and features to enhance the user experience. So, these changes also include Windows 11 startup sound. Well, starting Windows with a sound has become a usual thing. But sometimes, we don’t like distractions as we only want to focus on our tasks. And, we also want to stop all sounds that annoy us!
So, here is how you can disable startup sounds in Windows 11.
Part 1: How to Disable Windows 11 Startup Sound?
So, Windows 11 gives you three ways to disable startup sounds, and one of the ways is settings. And if you are unable to do with settings, you can use other options like Windows registry and group policy editor. But, you can easily disable the startup sound in Windows 11 using these 03 ways. So, don’t worry! And read on to know how these 03 different ways help in muting the startup sound with no hassle.
Way 1: Disable Windows 11 Startup Sound via Settings
To fix this issue, follow these steps and get rid of the startup sound!
- With the keyboard shortcut “Win+I,” in Windows 11, click on Settings.
After that, click the personalization tab on the left. And then tap on themes.
Now, click on the sound option on the Themes page
Next, you will find the “sound” dialog box, so remove the checkmark from the “play windows startup sound” button.
And that’s about it! Now, whenever you’d turn on your PC, there will be no sound!
Way 2: Disable Startup Sound on Windows 11 via Registry Editor
So, you can call it a multi-level database that keeps all the settings visible on your Windows PC. The registry editor keeps the settings in the form of keys. And to turn on or off any feature, it uses binary digits like 0 and 1. So, let’s hop into the steps to disable the Windows 11 startup sound.
Click on the R key and Windows and open the RUN box. Then in the search box, type “Regedit” and press the enter key.
After that, copy and paste the link given below in the search box. Then, in the right side box, double click on “DisableStartupSound”.
Now, you’ll see the value as 1. So, to turn on or off your PC silently in the future, change the value to 0. And then, click OK, restart your PC and you’re good to go.
Way 3: Disable Startup Sound on Windows 11 via Local Group Policy Editor
It is a bit knotty way to disable Windows 11 startup sound. You can turn on or off the startup sound with this option. And the group policy editor is already available in education, enterprise, and Windows 11 Pro versions. So, make sure to read the steps well. Then, you can better understand this option before trying to disable the startup sound. Let’s get into it!
- Click on the R key and Windows on your keyboard to open the RUN box.
After that, in the RUN box, type “gpedit.msc” and tap on OK.
Next, copy and paste the link given below in the search box. Now on the right setting box, find the “turn off Windows startup sound.”
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon
- Then, double click on it, and a pop-up window will open on your screen.
Now, tap on “Enable,” click OK, and next click on apply to confirm all the settings.
So, you will no longer get the startup sound once you restart your PC.
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Part 2: FAQs about Windows 11 Startup Sound
Stick around to find out more about the startup sound. Don’t forget to read to the end.
Q1: Where is the Windows startup sound file?A1:Well, you can find the startup sound file of Windows under the C:\Windows\Media folder. So, if you have placed it in another location, then Windows cannot find it.
Also, one more thing, make sure that the startup sound is in a .wav format. It is because Windows 11 only accepts wave audio files.
Q2: Can Windows 11 change the boot volume?A2:Yes, it can change the boot volume. All you have to do is to set up partitions for your Windows 11 on PC. After that, you can free up disk space and create a custom partition or volume for Windows.
Then, under computer management, go back to the disk management entry. Now, make a right-click on the primary drive that is your C drive. And next, you have to click on the shrink volume from the drop-down menu.
After that, enter whatever amount of space you want to shrink. For instance, if you need to keep 60 GB, enter 60000 and click on the shrink button.
Next, your Windows 11 partition will shrink with your chosen amount. And now, it will show up as unallocated. So, on the unallocated space, hit the right-click and then click on the new simple volume from the drop-down menu.
Q3: Is it possible to change the startup sound of Windows 11A3:Yes, you can change and set any startup sound you like in Windows 11. All you have to do is click on the sounds window, tap on the windows logon, and hit the browse option.
After that, select whatever sound file you like to use as your windows 11 startup sound. But make sure that Windows 11 only supports .wav files.

So, if your sound files are not in that format, you can use any software to convert audio. Then you can use the startup sound as per your choice.
Also, there might be times when you cannot hear the sound. It is because some devices can automatically disable the windows 11 startup sound.
That is why sometimes a user cannot listen to it. So, if you need to fix it, follow the above guide and see if it helps with the issues.
Final Words
To sum up, I’d say that this guide to disable windows 11 startup sound will surely help you out. Other than that, there are many tools available so you can customize Windows 11 on your PC. You can customize anything like startup sound and user appearance with such options. But, I’d not recommend these tools because they may cause some privacy issues. So, it’s better to use the built-in settings to change anything in your Windows 11.
And, from now on, you’d know how to disable, change, or customize the Windows 11 startup sound. Plus, you can pick whatever tune you like to welcome you whenever you turn on your PC. And, yeah! That’s it, dear readers. Now, all you need to do is follow the steps above. And then, you can turn on or off the startup sound easily and quickly.